DareData Manifesto

Our Vision

The DareData vision is to see machine learning and artificial intelligence democratized worldwide.

As of this writing, world-class machine learning and artificial intelligence capabilities are largely concentrated in the hands of a few huge governmental and corporate players. If not properly distributed throughout the socioeconomic spectrum, it is likely that we end up experiencing extreme inequality. We believe that an effective way to guard against this outcome is to ensure that startups and legacy institutions receive significant support in building out their ML/AI infrastructure and, most importantly, knowledge base.


Who are we?

The co-founders (Nuno Bras and I) are a couple of serial entrepreneurs and technical workers who demand excellence in everything that we do. We have had long careers doing the hard and gritty work of building out projects and companies from the ground up. A sample of companies we have either founded or been deeply involved with from very early on include James Finance, Unbabel, GetSocial, Bond Touch, Wise Metering, Lisbon Data Science Academy, and Daltix.

We’ve also worked within larger organizations leading ML/AI initiatives at corporations.

We have occupied roles ranging from full stack developer to CEO. Our business, management, and technical skills are world-class and we have the track record to prove it.

What do we do?

As the firm Andreessen Horowitz has recently pointed out, working with AI systems is different from traditional software in that it is more manpower-intensive and many best practices have yet to be established. As veteran AI startup founders, we agree 100%.

Despite these challenges, the short-term benefits of AI systems are great and range from internal efficiency gains to competitive advantages over rivals. In the long-term, AI systems will likely be considered necessary for a company’s survival. Reaping the short term benefits as well as making the long term transition needs to happen simultaneously on two fronts:

  • Quick wins
  • Infrastructure changes

You need quick wins that generate unambiguous value to happen on the scale of weeks or, at the most, months. This shows internal and external stakeholders that continued investment is worth it. You need infrastructure changes because traditional databases, data warehouses, data marts, and code struggle to meet the demands of AI systems and truly data driven organizations. In order to build out long-term and sustainable AI systems, you need to fight the battle on both fronts at the same time and this is what DareData does.

We are an outcome-oriented group that generates quick wins with POCs while, at the same time, building out larger and more difficult strategies and infrastructure changes. We do this with a few different offerings:

  • Data strategy development
  • Project execution
  • Hiring and training

We offer a few cost-free strategy sessions which can be done over lunches or other short meetings. If you like what we have to say then we can move to a first project which is a POC and should be done and delivered within weeks. If a POC is successful and the project continues, you will eventually want your own people working on it which is why we also include hiring and training.

We work hard to de-risk all stakeholders at every step by allowing all contracts to be cancelled at any time. No client has ever taken us up on this.

Who do we want to be?

We are a small boutique consulting company and we intend to stay that way. We are not trying to maximize billable hours. We are not trying to take over the world. Rather, we’re looking to do our small part in creating a world that we want live in by the humble pursuit of our vision.

How can we help you?

If you have data that you suspect you are not using to its full potential, contact me at sam@daredata.engineering and we’ll schedule a short intro call. Or, if you want to move super quickly, just send me a calendar invite and we’ll hope that the scheduling gods are on our side!